Regain has been established to help people who have had a sports, leisure or recreational accident resulting in tetraplegia/quadriplegia. Money is available for potential beneficiaries to help provide them with the specialist equipment they need to enable them to achieve greater independence and improve their quality of life. Each request is considered independently, on its own merits and will be granted after consideration of the funds available at the time
- The fund is available to anyone with tetraplegia
- The fund is principally for the provision of specialist equipment, though if funds permit, other requests may be considered by the Grants Panel
- The Grants Panel will only consider requests that have been endorsed by the applicants consultant, occupational therapist, case manager, physiotherapist, care manager or if appropriate, a relative. A member of the Grants Panel will contact the person who is supporting the application.
- Grants are not available to substitute for statutory funding or to provide equipment which is available through Social Services or Local Health Authorities, including local NHS wheelchair services
- Regain usually does not fund second hand equipment, and purchases should be made from a reputable retailer who has given their professional advice on the suitability. Regain can provide contacts with several retailers if required
- Applicants can request a maximum of 75% of the costs of the equipment, up to a maximum of £5,000. The Grants Panel can advise of other organisations that applicants can approach, or Regain can provide advice with fundraising activities in the applicants local community
- If an application for a grant is successful, the applicant cannot apply again to Regain for three years from the date of the grant award letter
- Regain accepts no responsibility to replace the equipment it has funded once it wears out, nor for the maintenance or insurance of that equipment
- If for whatever reason you no longer need the equipment funded by Regain, then you should contact Regain immediately. Under no circumstances should the equipment be sold prior to contacting Regain
- Grants are reviewed by a Grants Panel. The current members of the panel are the Charity Director, a Regain trustee and a beneficiary of the charity
- The grants panel reserves the right to refuse any application, and no guarantees are given to anyone who applies for funding that it will be successful
- The grants panel reserves the right to request further information from the applicant before making its recommendations to the Regain Board of Trustees
- Please submit any quotes for equipment to
- Regain will not award a grant for items that have already been purchased
- Once an application has been submitted, a member of the grants panel will check through the application to make sure that the applicant has completed the form correctly, and that they are eligible for support. A member of the grants panel may be in contact with the applicant to request further information
- Once these checks have been completed, the grants panel will invite the applicant to discuss their application with them on a Zoom or telephone call. The purpose of this is to find out more about the applicant, the grant request and the difference it would make to the applicants life
- Following this discussion, the grants panel meet and make a recommendation to the Regain Board of Trustees, who make the final decision whether to award a grant and the level of support it can give at that time. Sometimes, grants offered are lower than what is applied for.
- Should a grant offer be made, the applicant has six months to purchase the equipment from the date of the grant offer letter. The grants panel reserve the right to withdraw the grant offer should it be longer than six months, and a new application may have to be submitted
- Once a decision has been made by the Board of Trustees, this decision is final
- Grants are paid to the supplier of the equipment and not to the applicant
- By submitting your application, you agree to be added to our Regain Newsletter, keeping you updated on support, events, and opportunities for the tetraplegic community.

2025 Grant application dates
Q1 applications must be received by Regain with all supporting information and quotes no later than 23rd March 2025
Q2 applications must be received by Regain with all supporting information and quotes no later than 21st June 2025
Q3 applications must be received by Regain with all supporting information and quotes no later than 20th September 2025
Q4 applications must be received by Regain with all supporting information and quotes no later than 2nd December 2025